About Limelight
-under construction-
Adding vision to an FRC robot is only partially about code. If you've ever tried integrating vision, you know that it mostly involves a number of build-season-eroding tasks:
- Choosing a co-processor
- Choosing a camera
- Setting up Linux
- Getting your camera to save exposure settings, white-balance settings, etc. after rebooting
- Mounting a camera which has no flat surfaces and no mounting holes
- 3D-printing a case for your co-processor
- Mounting LED rings around your camera
- Wiring your LEDs
- Wiring your camera and co-processor
- Actually writing your vision processing code
- Writing networking code
Now that every member of your team has spent valuable time integrating vision, and the build-season's almost over, your programmers have mere hours to focus on actually using your vision information to guide your robot.
Limelight will save huge amounts of priceless time during your build season. Some teams have integrated it with their robots in under 30 minutes. Here's the process:
- Mount your Limelight with the built-in mounting holes.
- Run two wires to your PDP,
- Run an Ethernet cable to your radio.
- Give your Limelight a team number, an IP address, and add three lines of robot code.
- Your robot now has targeting information streaming-in at 90 frames-per-second.
On top of that, Limelight combines 10+ years of FRC vision experience.